Friday, October 14, 2011

Loved and Lost

You know what really bothers me is all the friends that have come and go in my life.  I have loved and lost in my life many friends and I know there has to be a purpose but I sure wish it didn't have to hurt so much.  I've always been told nothing gets thrown at me that I can't handle but there are sure things I don't want to handle.  I don't want to deal with the loss of yet another friend.  It feels like a death.  She has been in my life for 35 yrs and now she is gone.  I've done what I can do to try and keep our relationship going and I just don't know what else I can do but let her go.  I hope she will always know that I am here for her no matter what.  All she has to do is say my name.
But tonight that is not all.  I have a couple of other friends that I'm excited about seeing.  I don't know if it will happen or not but it is exciting knowing I might see them after all of these years.  We used to be best friends so many years ago and we've all grown older, gained a little weight and grown some grey hair but our personalities are the same and we talk just as if we saw each other yesterday.  Hopefully, I will get to meet up with them this weekend.  It would make for a nice surprise for the weekend.

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