Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sometimes I do Stupid Stuff

I like a lot of bi-p0lars self-medicate to make themselves feel better.  We use alcohol and other forms of drugs.  I chose to do this last night instead of my medication.  I have been feeling down lately and just wanted one drink but what started out with one drink ended up being a whole bottle of cherry vodka.  Not only am I bi-polar but I am also an alcoholic.   I'm not the one that drinks everyday, I'm the binger.  I can't stop until it's gone, the money has run out, or I'm passed out.  It has gotten me in trouble many times.  I was in good hands last night, though, had my keys taken away and a place to crash for the night.  The worst thing was that I couldn't sleep due to the three dogs who were sleeping with me. 
Will I ever learn my lesson, probably not.  Why?  I never physically feel bad.  I could give up my meds for alcohol and drugs.  It gives me about the same feeling.  A lot of the time it even makes me feel better.  But I won't because I have too many family members that I would be disappointing if I went off "crazy" like that all the time. 


  1. Besides, Angie the alcohol and drugs do not continue to give one the same feeling or make you feel better forever (or even all that long). Pretty soon they don't work, they just make you sicker. It's good to remember that so that you really do just do this once in awhile and not only for your family's sake, but for your own. p.s. good owning up. :)

  2. Your right they would only make me feel good for a brief amount of time and then I would have to do it again over and over again if I didn't take my meds. Yes, I only do this every once and a while. But when it comes to taking meds I hate it. If there was anyway possible I wouldn't. If I didn't have anybody else to worry about but me, I wouldn't.
